Effective treatment of osteochondrosis at home: methods and techniques

Walking upright frees one's hand to perform labor operations - this is an undoubted added value. Along with this, the load on the spine has increased, leading to the development of serious diseases, and this is a colossal minus. Osteochondrosis is one of the most common spinal pathologies. It affects 60% of the world's population aged 35 and over. Surgical intervention is one method of treatment, but alternatives may be made in the early stages of the development of the disease. You can treat osteochondrosis at home. The various methods of effective therapy are extensive and affordable.

What is osteochondrosis

Dysfunction and destruction of the intervertebral disc, vertebral tissue is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, called osteochondrosis. Osteocytes are bone cells, and chondrocytes are cartilage cells. Based on these names, the origin of the term "osteochondrosis" is clear. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine negatively affect the general condition of the body.

As the disease progresses, muscle atrophy, impaired nerve impulse flow, physiological system and function of individual internal organs are not functioning. The appearance of pain in the back and neck is the first sign of the disease. Depending on the focal location of the lesion, osteochondrosis is:

  • Neck. The main symptoms are: pain in the shoulders, arms, neck; dizziness, tincture, spots in front of the eyes.
  • Dada. It is characterized by dull pain or lumbago in the chest area.
  • Lumbosacral. There is pain in the hip joint, lower back, sacrum. The function of the lower limbs is limited.
  • It develops in several parts of the spine at once. It is accompanied by severe pain.

Effective treatment of osteochondrosis at home is possible with timely diagnosis of the disease. It goes through 4 degrees (or levels):

  1. The pathological process begins with the dehydration of the central part of the intervertebral disc (nucleus pulposus). As a result, the structure recedes, cracks appear on the outside of the disc (annulus fibrosus). This level is almost invisible to the patient. A slight discomfort manifests itself in an uncomfortable position or while performing active physical activity.
  2. The distance between adjacent vertebrae decreases due to decreased intervertebral discs. Ligaments and muscles relax. The vertebrae acquire additional mobility. For this reason, they are destitute. This condition is called spondylolisthesis. With a strong load, the patient feels uncomfortable, sometimes pain at the pathological localization.
  3. The formation of prolapse (hernia), protrusion (uneven protrusion) of the disc, subluxation and arthrosis of the intervertebral joint are major pathological changes in the third stage of the disease. Controlled patient movements, numbness, tingling in the limbs occur. The pain is there, its localization depends on the location of the disease focus.
  4. To eliminate excessive vertebral movement, the body forms bone tissue neoplasms (osteophytes) in the spine. Their formation occurs in a chaotic manner, depending on its location, they can injure the nerve endings of the spinal cord, neighboring vertebrae. The process of obvious structural changes (fibrous ankylosis) begins in the intervertebral joint. The vertebral motor segment looks like a "walled up". Signs of osteochondrosis at this stage are practically not felt.

The risk of developing the disease increases with age. After 40 years, irreversible changes begin in the body. Osteochondrosis affects 80% of people who have reached the age of 60 years. This is due to a decrease in the level of metabolic processes, physical activity, chronic diseases and other causes. The risk group consists of young people aged 20-30 years who lead an inactive lifestyle, are overweight and have a weak muscular system. There is a direct link between pathological changes in the spine and body function.


Medicine has not yet determined the exact cause of this disease. Walking upright, improper weight distribution during labor operations, physical exercise, static body position (standing, sitting) increase the risk of developing osteochondrosis. According to most doctors, the occurrence of pathological processes in the spine is provoked by a group of factors:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • body dehydration;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal failure;
  • inadequate physical development;
  • degenerative processes of the muscular system;
  • posture problems;
  • flat feet;
  • toxic damage to the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • trauma, bruising to the spine and musculoskeletal system in general;
  • Posture and correct posture problems
  • pregnancy;
  • age-related changes;
  • dangerous working conditions;
  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • irregular beds;
  • bad habits;
  • frequent stress.

Methods of treatment

The therapy of osteochondrosis is a long process. It includes a group of activities that take 1-3 months. At this time, you need to increase the recovery period, the duration is about 1 year. The success of treatment is highly dependent on the patient himself. He must strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations. With partial observation, the prognosis for recovery is minimal.

Self-medication complicates the treatment of osteochondrosis. The clinical picture of the disease is not clear, the patient begins to choose medication independently to alleviate his condition. Suppressing the painful sensation, he continued to lead a normal life, and the disease developed during this time. When the first symptoms of the disease occur, it is necessary to see a doctor, perform an examination, explain the diagnosis and begin therapeutic measures.

Treatment of osteochondrosis is done by two methods: conservative treatment and surgery. The general recommendations in both cases are nutrition and food recovery. Conservative treatment aims to relieve pain, restore spinal function, and prevent structural changes in the intervertebral joints. Activity groups include:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis
  • physiotherapy training;
  • massage (paravertebral);
  • manual therapy;
  • using a needle applicator;
  • spine attraction.

The decision on the surgical treatment of this disease is made by the doctor's office if there are no conservative treatment results or if there are severe lesions on the articular structure of the spine. It is important to see a doctor on time and not start the disease. Effective treatment is possible at home. This is confirmed by long-term practice to treat the disease.

How to treat osteochondrosis at home

Given the peculiarities of the disease and its duration of recovery, the question of the effective treatment of osteochondrosis at home is relevant to most patients. It is important to consider that this is an unusual disease and it is impossible to achieve positive results only with the help of medications. It is necessary to always use a set of actions that can be taken as directed by the doctor at home.


Medication is prescribed in the acute form of the disease. Osteochondrosis is a systemic disease. The negative effects affect the overall condition of the body, therefore, drug treatment completes a set of tasks:

  • relieves pain;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • restores metabolic reactions;
  • improves blood circulation in the affected area;
  • restores cartilage tissue;
  • to restore joint mobility;
  • relieves depression caused by severe pain.

Drug therapy includes several groups of drugs.



Pharmacological forms

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

Relieves inflammation and pain (prevents prostaglandins)

Capsules, tablets, gels, ointments, patches, injections

Analgesics, anesthetics

Relieves pain

Pills, injections


Improves nutrition of damaged tissues, accelerates their regrowth

Injections, tablets (dragees), gels, creams, ointments


Heavy Artillery, strong anti-inflammatory

Pills, injections, ointments

Muscle relaxer

Soothing and calming effect on muscles

Pills, injections

Chondroprotectors (glucosamine, chondroitin)

Stabilizes the process, prevents further destruction

Capsules, tablets, gels, ointments, injections


Eliminates depression, improves stress resistance, improves sleep quality, stabilizes emotional state

Dyes, tablets

Vitamins (antioxidants)

Restores sensitivity of the affected nerve endings, reduces pain

Pills, injections

Vitamin and mineral complexes

General body strengthening



An inactive lifestyle adversely affects the condition of the body. Effective home spine treatment involves special training. There are complex physiotherapy training authors, you can use recommendations and create individual training programs.

Physical education is the main cure for osteochondrosis. The recommended exercise of bending, twisting, twisting, swinging in the back is exercise. It is useful to do hanging on the bar, using yoga exercises to stretch the spine. Adequate attention should be given to strengthening the back muscles - pulling, doing push-ups. There are a few rules you should consider not to endanger your health:

  • Recovery gymnastics should begin with warm-up;
  • spinning should not be done for acute pain in the lumbar spine;
  • jumping, running unwanted, better replace it with walking, swimming, cycling or skiing;
  • for cervical osteochondrosis, round rotation of the head is not always recommended.

When choosing gymnastics, one should take into account age, training difficulty, physical fitness. You need to do physiotherapy exercises at least 3 times a week. The proposed complex will help you cure cervical osteochondrosis at home (all exercises are done 10 times):

  1. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, do a smooth head rotation alternately to the right and to the left.
  2. Starting position is the same. Place your right palm on your right cheek and tilt your head to the left gently. Repeat the exercise in the other direction.
  3. Sit up straight, hold hands at the back of your head, slowly bend forward. Press on the back of the head with your hands, slowly lower your head, touch your chest with your chin, feel the muscle tension.
  4. Sit down, take the edge of the chair with your hands behind your back, slowly lower your head back, spread your shoulder blades, return to the starting position.
  5. Lift the shoulders, try to reach them to the earlobes, lower the shoulders.

Pain in the lower back is dominant. Uncomplicated regular gymnastics for lumbar osteochondrosis will bring more benefits than continuous pain medication use (repeat exercise 5-10 times):

  1. Stretch the back muscles- lie on your back, raise your hands, stretch your toes down.
  2. Raise the pelvis- lie on your back, bend your legs, arms to the side, lift your pelvis (inhale), lower (exhale).
  3. Embryo Pose- lie on your back, pull your knees to your chest, grasp them with your arms (inhale), pull your head to your knees (exhale).
  4. Cat Pose- get all four, while exhaling, round your back, while inhaling, bending, lifting your head up.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies

Folk remedies for osteochondrosis have proven themselves well. They are effective and safe. There are many recipes for the preparation of medicinal tinctures, ointments, rubs, decoctions. You can cook it yourself if you want. Herbal remedies eliminate the cause of the disease, herbal ingredients contain large amounts of nutrients and have a general strengthening effect. Affordable herbal medicine. There are known methods of treating diseases with bee stings and bee products.


Compresses help reduce pain, relieve swelling and inflammation. Home and spine treatment at home will be effective if the heating procedure is used for two weeks. They improve blood circulation, relieve pain, relieve muscle spasms. Easy to make radish and apple compress:

Grated radish root for healing compresses
  • radish contains mustard oil (warming effect), apples have a lot of organic acids (anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect);
  • on a fine grater, grated small radish root and an apple;
  • squeeze the juice a little;
  • forms a cake;
  • place on inflamed area;
  • cover with polyethylene, towels;
  • wrap with a warm cloth;
  • wear at night every day until severe pain disappears.

Infusions and decoctions

Effective treatment of osteochondrosis at home involves not only the use of external agents, but also effects on the body from within. For this purpose, infusions and decoctions of the drug are used. They relieve pain, inflammation, and calm the nervous system. In folk medicine, the injection of parsley leaves and seeds, pine cone decoction is used to treat the spine. Cinquefoil is effective, it acts as an analgesic, restores damaged tissue.Cinquefoil root for infusion preparationColor recipe:

  • Mix 200 g of chopped cinquefoil root and 100 g of upright Potentilla;
  • Pour the vegetable mixture into 1 liter of vodka;
  • insisted 3 weeks;
  • tension
  • ;
  • take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals;
  • The course of treatment is 1 month.


Heating procedures include applications. Such spinal treatment with folk remedies helps to restore the function of neuromuscular elements in the affected spinal joint. For application, gauze napkins are moistened with a solution of the drug and applied to the affected area, lasting for 30-40 minutes. The procedure can be performed several times a day. Application of honey with aloe vera:

  • natural honey has a unique medicinal composition, aloe vera is a natural antibiotic, a biological stimulant;
  • prepare the color of 100 g of honey, 50 g of aloe vera leaves (they must go through a meat grinder) and 100 ml of vodka;
  • insist 1 week;
  • moisten a piece of natural fabric with color;
  • occurs in inflamed areas;
  • place polyethylene and towels on top;
  • wrap with a woolen scarf;
  • do the procedure 2 times a day.


For effective treatment of osteochondrosis at home, you can prepare scrubs and ointments. The rubbing procedure is similar to massage, performed 2-3 times a day. It stimulates blood circulation, relieves inflammation, pain. Turpentine, kerosene, badger fat, internal lard, medicinal plants (bananas, sage, juniper) are used to prepare medicinal rubber. Juniper bay leaf ointment recipe:

  • 1 teaspoon of juniper needles, 6 teaspoons of chopped bay leaf, 12 teaspoons of melted butter, mix well;
  • apply the mixture to the site of inflammation;
  • rub on ointment with light movements;
  • wrap your back with a warm woolen cloth;
  • apply in the afternoon and before bed.

Healing Bath

Bathing with effective herbal ingredients during recovery. In acute conditions, this procedure is not recommended. Therapeutic baths dilate blood vessels, relax muscles, and have a beneficial effect on the articular structure of the spine. For the preparation of broth, chamomile, lemon balm, rope, thyme, ponytail, thyme and other plants are used. Medicinal raw materials can be prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy.Therapeutic bath for osteochondrosisBoiling a medicine bath is provided as follows:

  • take 250-300 g of dried plant material or prepare a mixture of medicinal ingredients;
  • boil in 5 liters of water for 20 minutes;
  • strain and add to the warm water provided;
  • Take a shower 10-15 minutes before bed.