The spine performs the most important functions in the human body. From this article you will learn everything about what is osteochondrosis, what are the symptoms and treatment of this disease, what are the pathological signs and causes of this disease.
What is osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the intervertebral disc and other spinal tissues are affected. The dystrophy process is triggered in the spinal space. The vertebrae, as such, compress, destroying this disc, which gradually causes pinching of the spinal cord nerve endings.
Important! If osteochondrosis is not treated, pathology can lead to disability.
About 80% of the world's population suffers from spinal pathology. Osteochondrosis is most commonly diagnosed in people aged 15 - 30 years. Although the disease occurs in both men and women, the stronger half of the human body is more difficult to cope with.
The disease begins to develop and manifest in adulthood, when a person is living an active life. Although osteochondrosis may occur in children, it occurs more rarely than in adults.
Although experts around the world have come together to eradicate this disease, every year there are new cases of osteochondrosis. Whether a problem arises depends on one's personal efforts.
Existing classification
There are many types of osteochondrosis, so different doctors may use different classifications.
Depending on the part of the spine that is affected, there are:
- cervical osteochondrosis;
- osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
- lumbar spine osteochondrosis;
- osteochondrosis of the sacral area.
Extensive osteochondrosis is also distinguished. This is a form of pathology in which several departments are affected at once. For example, osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region is often found, as it is this part of the spine that experiences a constant increase in load.
Whatever type of illness a person faces, complications are always severe. Therefore, it is important to identify the disease as soon as possible and provide qualified first aid.
When the doctor makes a diagnosis, he records the level of pathology detected. With osteochondrosis, 3 stages are distinguished according to the X-ray examination picture and 4 stages according to symptomatic changes.
What happens during pathology
Almost all vertebrae have a similar structure. They consist of vertebral bodies and arches. All the vertebrae, "folded" together, form the spinal canal. The disc is located between the vertebrae - jelly-like tendons that act as shock absorbers.
In the intervertebral disc with osteochondrosis, pathological changes begin. The fibrous part gradually becomes more brittle. Under vertebral pressure, the nucleus pulposus appears to move on its own and find the easiest place to do so.
In most cases, the disc comes out into the spinal canal. This leads to compression of the spinal cord and nerves located there. The result is pain and symptoms in the organs responsible for these nerves.
In response to stress in the body, the process of cleavage of bone tissue is accelerated. As a result, the development of osteophytes begins - bone growth that causes a person to become a major problem with osteochondrosis.
Thus, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the consequences can be depressing, as pathological processes simultaneously affect the nervous and vascular systems.
Causes of osteochondrosis
Since osteochondrosis is a dangerous enemy, it is important to understand what triggers the onset of the disease. No matter where the disease is, the cause is always the same.
The main causes of osteochondrosis can develop are as follows:
- premature aging of tissues on the intervertebral disc;
- constant muscle pressure that supports spinal space;
- lack of proper stress on this muscle group;
- uneven load distribution between parts of the spine, causing imbalance and the development of pseudospondylolisthesis;
- presence of genetic predisposition to the development of degenerative processes in cartilage tissue;
- the presence of autoimmune diseases, which cause the antibodies themselves to interfere with the nutrition of the spine.
Undoubtedly, hormonal imbalances and poor diet can also affect spinal health. Some women first experience symptoms of illness during pregnancy when the workload increases.
Risk group
Acute osteochondrosis usually arises after exposure to negative factors. The following factors can trigger symptoms:
- incorrect posture;
- inactive lifestyle;
- prolonged position in uncomfortable position;
- lifting heavy loads;
- scoliosis;
- lack of spinal cord corset;
- deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for bone and cartilage tissue regeneration;
- emotional experiences;
- severe infection;
- unfavorable ecological effects;
- prolonged hypothermia;
- cedera;
- sudden changes in body position;
- power sports;
- wear shoes with uncomfortable heels;
- overweight;
- metabolic disorders;
- rheumatism;
- congenital malformations.
As you can see, many factors can provoke the development of osteochondrosis. However, the sooner the first signs of the disease are found and a diagnosis is made, the more opportunities there are to cure the pathology and maintain a quality of life.
Characteristics of the disease in stages
There are 4 stages of the disease and each has its own symptoms:
- with grade 1 disease, the patient does not experience general symptoms, but there may be only local pain;
- with osteochondrosis grade 2, pain becomes stronger, disc protrusion and subluxation of the vertebral body develop, static violations are observed;
- for grade 3 osteochondrosis, significant symptoms, including those common, are characteristic, and the lesion reaches the stage of development of intervertebral hernia;
- at 4 stages of pathology, defects occur, and any medication is no longer relieving.
Of course, if osteochondrosis is detected at an early stage, it is very possible to stop the progression of the disease.
However, intervertebral osteochondrosis is divided depending on the damage to the vertebral body:
- no violation at level 0;
- in stage 1 the disorder is insignificant, sometimes there are internal tears in the vertebrae;
- in the 2nd stage, the changes on the disk are quite noticeable and expressed, but the outer surface is preserved;
- In the 3rd stage, the disc is completely affected, squeezed into the spinal cord area or outwards.
If you experience minor symptoms, even lumbar spine instability or discomfort in other areas, you should see a specialist for advice.
Symptoms of osteochondrosis
As already mentioned, the intensity of symptoms depends on the degree of damage to the vertebral body and the location of the damage. A large number of patients report similar symptoms.
If the pathological process is localized in the cervical spine, the following symptoms may occur:
- blurred vision;
- ear congestion;
- sound in the head;
- rings in the ear;
- dizziness;
- headache;
- sleep apnea;
- hearing loss;
- fainted;
- voice tape weakness;
- cramps in the neck;
- changes in blood pressure;
- tongue numbness;
- swollen neck;
- eye pain;
- insomnia;
- neck vasospasm;
- dental problems.

With spinal lesions in the thoracic region, the following phenomena occur:
- Muscle cramps, resembling a heartache of a cut, piercing and sharp character;
- patients have difficulty breathing;
- pain and burning of the sternum;
- there is a lump in the throat;
- possible cough and nausea;
- abdominal pain appears, especially during inhalation and deep breathing;
- there is severe weakness in the arms and legs;
- discomfort increases with changes in body position.
For problems with the sacral or lumbar spine, the following complaints arise:
- back pain radiates to the legs;
- freezing of the lower limbs at normal body temperature;
- numbness in the legs;
- constant tension in the leg muscles;
- varicose veins;
- impotence;
- pale skin;
- menstruation.
As osteochondrosis of the back develops, some vertebrae may merge. Then the symptomology gradually fades, but reappears during the spring-autumn exacerbation.
If the vagus nerve pinches, digestion, heartbeat, and bladder and bladder problems can occur.
Syndrome in osteochondrosis
It is common among doctors to divide symptoms into several groups, the syndrome. With intercostal osteochondrosis, there are:
- vertebral syndrome;
- vertebral artery syndrome;
- heart or scapular-rib syndrome;
- radicular.
You need to take a closer look at each of these syndromes.
With vertebral syndrome, the following images are observed:
- mobility is impaired and neck pain occurs;
- changes in vertebral state can be seen on x-rays;
- the patient cannot turn his body to the side without pain.
Important! When making a diagnosis, the doctor must distinguish between myositis and vertebral syndrome, as the clinical picture is similar, but the method of treatment is different.
Vertebral artery
With this osteochondrosis syndrome, the following manifestations are observed:
- nausea, vomiting;
- pressure increases;
- dizziness;
- migraine;
- flying in the eye;
- sleepy;
- fatigue;
- fatigue;
- violation of emotional stability.
Physicians should distinguish this syndrome from atherosclerotic changes in tumor ducts and processes.
This syndrome is characterized by:
- burns;
- chest pain;
- shortness of breath;
- tired;
- tachycardia.
During a hospital visit, an EKG and angiography must be performed, confirming the absence of atherosclerosis.
The pathological sign depends on which root changes. In general, this group of symptoms includes:
- discomfort in the occipital area;
- unpleasant sensations in language;
- Difficulty chewing food;
- pain when swallowing;
- discomfort in the scapular area;
- Difficulty doing hand movements;
- does not have 4 and 5 fingers.
Because often several parts of the spine are involved in pathological processes in osteochondrosis, symptoms throughout the group arise.

When symptoms of osteochondrosis appear, as a rule, tests are not performed.
The following tests are enough to make a diagnosis:
- x-rays;
- computed tomography;
- magnetic resonance imaging.
Although conventional X-ray examination makes it possible for diagnosis, CT and MRI are used to select the drug more effectively and determine the degree of damage to the spinal space.
Treatment of osteochondrosis
Both during exacerbations and during planned therapy, treatment should be comprehensive. Valid for:
- drug treatment;
- manual therapy;
- Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis.
The most common treatment is at home. The main thing is that the patient adheres to the doctor's prescription strictly. When a patient needs an injection, hospitalization may be recommended.
Drug treatment specialties
Treatment with drugs involves the use of several groups of drugs at once. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
NSAIDs were initially prescribed as ointments. As the disease progresses, tablets, injections, or other antispasmodic forms may be recommended. Almost all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have significant analgesic effects.
In order for the spine to relax, you need to relieve muscle cramps. For this purpose, muscle relaxation is used.
If treatment is started in the early stages of the disease, when the cartilage tissue has not yet destroyed, it makes sense to take chondroprotectors.
Important! For all these drugs to have an effect, they must be taken systematically, for at least six months.
Vitamin B complex can have a positive effect on recovery.
The following medications may also be prescribed:
- to expand blood vessels and improve nutrition;
- to combat vertigo;
- topical gel to improve blood circulation.
Compresses, mustard plasters, and special anesthetic plasters with the composition of the drug are placed on the affected area.
Performing manual therapy
Although it is believed that massaging the neck and other affected areas is a common method, this assessment is incorrect. Such a procedure can only be performed after a doctor's prescription and careful training. Wrong actions can cause more harm.
You can massage with honey, or with medicinal oil. The following techniques are used:
- light punches with fingertips are performed, starting from the head to the upper back;
- rubbing is in progress;
- squeeze to involve the inner tissue layer;
- knead.
Effective cupping massage. Self-massage can be done. It is highly undesirable to use a masseuse without consulting your doctor, as improper influences can damage already fragile discs.
The value of exercise therapy in osteochondrosis
To get rid of the symptoms of osteochondrosis, it is important to exercise regularly for the back. There are now many popular techniques for the formation of lumbar and cervical corsets. Let’s consider only the most effective and discuss the gist briefly.
Kinesitherapy neck neck gymnastics helps improve blood circulation, relieve pain and restore freedom of movement. Does not give a quick effect, the result is only after long-term therapy. In addition to exercising, it is important to consider prescribed treatments and follow a diet. All exercises are performed at a very slow pace, in the process, proper muscle stretching can be ensured.
Therapeutic training for the neck of another doctor for osteochondrosis is useful not only for people suffering from osteochondrosis, but also for many other problems. The complex resembles more exercises for the neck, and classes can be done even at lunchtime. To achieve results and strengthen muscles, you must exercise regularly and only after your doctor's appointment.
General recommendations in the treatment of osteochondrosis
Since patients with osteochondrosis require careful warm-up, a visit to the bath will be useful for such patients. It is important to take into account the stage of the disease and the presence of other pathologies. Before such a procedure, you should see a doctor.
To strengthen the muscle corset, you can use push-ups, fitness and Pilates with trainers. You must visit the swimming pool regularly. Each swimming session should not be shorter than 20 minutes, otherwise there will be no effect.
Treatment with folk remedies is allowed, but only after obtaining the consent of the attending physician and as additional therapy. Physiotherapy, including electrophoresis, can be done as directed by a doctor.
Although problems with the spine may seem insignificant, or patients are still young, it is still important to be actively involved in the prevention of osteochondrosis.
It is important to adhere to the following best practices:
- use orthopedic sleeping pillows;
- lead an active lifestyle;
- spend time for sports, especially swimming;
- warming up several times a day;
- be careful when doing physically demanding work;
- let go of bad habits.
Diet is important, because certain foods increase the risk of disease, namely:
- masin;
- smoked meat;
- spices;
- candy;
- fatty and fried foods.
It is important to limit soda and coffee, and it is better to give preference to tea and broth. Proper nutrition will help protect the body from damage to bone and cartilage tissue.
Since the process can be stopped and even reversed in the early stages of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to immediately see a doctor and undergo an examination when the first symptoms appear. This is the only way to maintain physical activity for years to come!